I will be presenting "Visual literacy: Expanding how we practice UX" at UX Thursday in Detroit on June 26th. The official blurb about the talk:
Visual literacy, traditionally applied to educational settings, has become important for users to make sense of digital media. Keith Instone will share the how and why behind his research and the ways he applies what he’s learning about visual literacy to UX. You'll hear how this exploration is making him a better UX practitioner.
Keith hopes to inspire UX practitioners to embark on their own discipline-crashing journeys to help strengthen the future value of UX.
Leave Keith’s session with:
- A process for expanding your UX expertise by "crashing" other disciplines
- Examples from visual literacy that apply to UX
- An invitation to participate in the next virtual literacy conference
I will add the slides and other information here as I make progress.
Links from the presentation
Copy of the slides
I posted a copy of my slides at Slideshare. There were lots of details in my speaker notes that I skipped over to make sure I left time for questions, so this PDF version with speaker notes might also be interesting to some of you.
Jeremy Burton recap